Miracles Magazine

MIRACLES magazine is the new wellness magazine that suits you!

Psychology, slow living, somatic breathing, self-hypnosis, Buddhism, sexual empowerment, non-violent communication, conscious parenting, nutrition & mental health, tantrism, chakras, homonotherapy, Ayurveda and femininity and so much more, it will cover ALL the subjects that concern you.

Crowdfunding Project In connection with MIRACLES, the Grande Retraite, an annual yoga, meditation and wellness retreat that takes place in June in Mont-Tremblant, we will be launching the MIRACLES Magazine! This is a 60-page paper edition that will cover all the wellness topics that affect us: intuitive eating, psychology, somatic breathing, self-hypnosis, Buddhist teachings, sexuality, parenting, tantrism, chakras, homotherapy, Ayurveda and much more.

In order to realize this project whose mission is to invite us to (re)fall in love with our life, we are organizing a big pre-sale. Reserve your copy quickly (a print run of only 2000 copies is planned) and help us realize this project that will do GOOD. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Who am I? I'm Madeleine, a mom, yogi, entrepreneur and author behind Rose Buddha, Miralces, la Grande Retraite and the books À go, on lenterit and À 10 minutes du bonheur. I'm like you, I'm looking to live less stress, more joy and to fulfill myself in all facets of my life.

Madeleine xx